
Thursday, August 11, 2005


GAWAT JENDRAL! Udah jam 4 subuh tapi mata belom bisa merem aja. Bulak-balik ngga karuan kesana kemari, ujung-ujungnya di depan laptop lageh. Hu-uh...! Mana besok si Bos ngajakin rapat ama klien lageh. Kacau dah. Ini penyakit lama neh, kirain udah ngilang, eeehh... masih juga demen berkunjung taunya teh. Ya udah deh, daripada ngebrowse nggak juntrungan si gue ngebuka-buka informasi tentang insomnia (garing pan?).

Katanya gene neh:
Insomnia is the perception or complaint of inadequate or poor-quality sleep
because of one or more of the following:

* difficulty falling asleep

* waking up frequently during the night with difficulty returning to sleep

* waking up too early in the morning

* unrefreshing sleep

Hmmm... coba kita liat satu-satu...
  • Difficulty falling asleep --> he-eh
  • Waking up frequently during...(bla..bla) --> bangun pigimaneh orang tidur aja nggak bisa (ini nggak he-eh)
  • Waking up to early in the morning --> Emangnya rumah gue di samping jalan kereta api apa? (ini nggak he-eh)
  • Unrefreshing sleep --> Yo'i seh, tidur si gue nggak pernah asik
Lanjutin ya...
Certain conditions seem to make individuals more likely to experience insomnia.
Examples of these conditions include:

* advanced age (insomnia occurs more frequently in those over age 60)

* female gender

* a history of depression

Gile! Nggak ah! Masya si gue udah setua itu seh? Si gue juga kan bukan weitjeh AND nggak punya sejarah depresi (eh, kalo nyang terakhir si gue rada ragu euy... punya ngga ya?)

There are many causes of insomnia.
Transient and intermittent insomnia generally occur in people who are temporarily
experiencing one or more of the following:

* stress

* environmental noise

* extreme temperatures

* change in the surrounding environment

* sleep/wake schedule problems such as those due to jet lag

* medication side effects

  • Apakah si gue setres? Tergantung seh
  • Apakah lingkungan sekitar seneh berisik? Nggak tuh
  • Masalah dengan suhu udara? Yap! Buset dah, AC udah disetel ke 19 aja masih panas buangedd
  • Perubahan lingkungan? Iya sih, tp si gue mah udah biasa, jadi kayanya ini mah nggak ngaruh tuh
  • Jet lag? Nggak
  • Efek samping obat-obatan? Tergantung... obat tetes mata bisa bikin side effect nggak ya ?

In addition, the following behaviors have been shown to perpetuate insomnia in some people:

* expecting to have difficulty sleeping and worrying about it

* ingesting excessive amounts of caffeine

* drinking alcohol before bedtime

* smoking cigarettes before bedtime

* excessive napping in the afternoon or evening

* irregular or continually disrupted sleep/wake schedules

  • Berharap susah tidur & jadi cemas? Kurang kerjaan apa?
  • Minum kafein? Naaaaaahhh... yo'i..yo'i... si gue pan peminum berat kopi (tapi da nggak ngaruh... abis minum kopi tetep bisa tidur koq..
  • Alkohol? Nggak.
  • Ngerokok? Nuuaaaahhhh.... ini juga neh... he-eh, he-eh...
  • Napping berlebih? Mana sempat? (he-eh,.. mana syempat?)
  • Jadwal tidur & bangun si gue teratur nggak ya? Wah.. kayanya engga euy...
 Treatment for chronic insomnia consists of:

* First, diagnosing and treating underlying medical or psychological problems.

* Identifying behaviors that may worsen insomnia and stopping (or reducing) them.

* Possibly using sleeping pills, although the long-term use of sleeping pills for chronic
insomnia is controversial.
A patient taking any sleeping pill should be under the supervision of a physician to closely
evaluate effectiveness and minimize side effects.
In general, these drugs are prescribed at the lowest dose and for the shortest duration
needed to relieve the sleep-related symptoms.
For some of these medicines, the dose must be gradually lowered as the medicine
is discontinued because, if stopped abruptly, it can cause insomnia to occur again for a night or two.

* Trying experimental sexual intercourse techniques may help

Wuah.... dari ke-empat saran di atas, kayanya cuma
saran nomor empat deh yang si gue setuju bangeddd (eh, tapi apa nggak malah jadinya nggak akan tidur semaleman ya kalo musti 'begituan'?). U tell me la..

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